Friday, April 20, 2007

I have my Swift for 12 months now.

I have my Swift for 12 months now. Before the swift I have owned a Baleno for 7 years, the best car I have ever had, very confortable,practical, good in handling and on highways,and very economical.
In that seven years I have had a Mitsubishi Lancer, a Suzuki Ignis and a Suzuki Liana on lease also, right after eachother, The baleno was that best of all and better than the swift too.
I like the Swift for it’s handeling and it is very economical but not as comfortable as the Baleno. I would suggest the Swift to anybody who is looking for a practical sporty and good looking car but if your looking for a car that will be comfortable for longer rides, i wouldn;t buy the swift.
I keep in consideration though that the baleno is a bigger car than the swift, but compared in capability on the road, they are very similar.
I’ll be selling my swift soon unfortunately, I’ll be going back to a bigger model and the 1st in line is the ‘08 Mitsubishi Lancer.


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